Colourful Roses

Colourful Roses

Thursday, December 23, 2010

So I Finaly Watched Kanye Wests Runaway Movie

I don't know why it took me so long to get around to watching this but maybe its the fact that sometimes Kanye messes up with his videos. I adore his music and I really don't think theirs anyone out there especially in his field who's at his level but looking back and remembering the video for flashing lights I was so disappointed it nearly ruined the song for me.

So I sat and watched it last night and here's my verdict. Firstly it was beautifully shot with a very stylish look to it, the colours used just popped off the screen. Its pretty much a promo for his new album and the music worked great complimenting what was seen on screen BUT and here's a big but, what was the point of it????
The story was just strange and Kanye's acting 'skills' could have been cut out, thank god their wasn't much of that. Yes its being creative but it just seemed very forced as if Kanye was trying to be all arty if you get me. It just didn't work for me maybe if it was shorter with no talking  from Kanye it would have been better.

In saying all this I still respect him a lot for stepping out side the box hes always keeping it interesting and well his music is just too good for me to really care about some of the faux pas he has made.

This Shouldn't Be Funny But It Is

This is soooooooo funny I just love it. I think I've watched this at least 20 times already its just classic. The little boy is too cute aswell dressed up in his little Christmas costume. This will become the fall of 2010 just like the one last year where the guy slipped on the ice and into the wall and showed on RTE news. The lesson here is never walk in front of a news camera their just waiting for you to fall.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Seriously Lady Gaga just Fuck off already!

Here's the muppet known as Lady Gaga walking the streets of snowy Paris in a minging leather jacket and some flesh tone underwear ZZZzzzzz yawn. A woman with so little talent knows she still needs to 'shock' us. Come on darling we have seen this before you are just really dull now, well actually you weren't really exciting to start off with. Your little monsters may eat up all the crap you put out there but it wont last forever you need to step your game up honey. These costumes can only last so long its all about the music at the end of the day and well your songs are really just shit.

Woah Madonna your new boy toy is hot!!

This is Madonnas new toy boy French dancer Brahim Zaibat who's only 24 remember shes in her 50s!
She seems to be going through a stage of younger men since divorcing Guy Richie, first there was Jesus and now this guy. Fair play Madge hes hot!!! 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kings of Leon at the O2 Dublin Review

I was very excited to be going to see the kings of leon on Saturday night in the O2 and I most definitely was not disappointed. I had never been to see them live before as they always sell out quickly. I swear I was lucky to have even gotten these tickets. Our seats weren't great to be honest we were very high up at the back of the O2 we could practically touch the ceiling and just getting to our seats was a nightmare in slight heels walking up a very steep set of stairs, coming down I was praying I wouldn't slip and roll down the stairs. 

But even with bad seats the Kings were deadly! Their songs sounded just like the recorded versions and I mean that in a good way Calebs voice was spot on. They rolled through some of their classics and favourites from previous albums. The only thing I was not happy at all  about was they never played The Bucket or Revelry???!! They did that thing all artists do where they leave the stage leaving us wanting more and than finally returning to the stage with their biggest hit que Sex on Fire. I was expecting than for The Bucket to at least be played but no they never played it. I was raging that's my favourite song of theirs and probably the most played song on my Ipod.

I know they have gotten to U2 level and have many hits but really The Bucket is in their top 5 of songs. I'll forgive them because they were so great but next time I hope to see them I really hope they play that song.

Rihanna you do know you can perform with your clothes on??

Rihanna honey you do know you can keep those clothes on you don't have to walk around in a bikini your songs are good enough. Here she is performing "whats my name"on the Xfactor final in some granny knickers and a bra that looks like it could fall off at any moment, I bet she was hoping it would I seen her grindin Matt during their duet. I don't know what it is about these female singers these days but they all seem to like to walk around in their underwear and try to out skank each other. Girls it ain't big and it ain't clever and it definitely ain't pretty.  

Matt Cardle has won the Xfactor

Congratulations to Matt Cardle and the best judge ever Miss Danni Minogue! He won the Xfactor tonight beating Rebecca Ferguson and One Direction. I couldn't believe One direction only came third I honestly thought all the pre teens would be wasting all their phone credit on voting for the little Justin Biebers how wrong I was. I was happy it was between Rebecca and Matt very deserving winners which ever one it was but to be honest I couldn't think of anything worse than Cheryl Cole winning a hatrick. I hope it works out for him hes a very talented guy lets just hope it doesn't go the way little Joe Mc Elderys career is going....

On a side note congrats to our very own Mary Byrne for being voted in the top two for the first few weeks!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pharrell and Jimmy Fallon dressed up as Justin Bieber!

 Here's Jimmy Fallon dressed up as Justin Bieber for a skit for his late night show. Is it just me or does he really look like him in this pic?! Thank god this isn't the real Bieber I would have been really sad to see Pharrell working with that twerp hopefully that never happens!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its a sad day for music when Katy Perry gets nominated for the Grammys Album of the year

Seriously Grammy judges? Really Katy Perry had one of the albums of the year? Now I can honestly say I have not heard her album 'Teenage dream' and I dont ever plan on listening to it to be honest I dont think Im missing much either. Perry is one of those flash in the pan artist whos around for a bit but doesnt last the distance, as a friend of mine said after watching her perform awfuly on the X factor "who in ten years will be saying where is Katy Perry I cant wait to hear a new album of hers".  I can imagine her going into acting or tv presenting just not sticking around in music.

But back to the grammys shes up against the likes of Eminem, Arcade fire and two artists with Lady in their names. Is Perrys album really one of the best albums of the year? Will it be played even five years from now probably not. Where are the great albums of the year from females like Janelle Monae or Florence and the machine? I dont understand this at all she has no business in this category whatever about being nominated for best pop/vocal album that is the kind of category she belongs in with the likes of Justin Bieber.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So Cheryl Cole is going to America to Judge their singing....lucky them

The Uks sweetheart Cheryl Cole has been finaly picked to be a judge on the American X factor.  Well it was the Sun who reported this so it could just be lies since this rumour comes around every month it seems but this is supposed to be final, so it looks as if Simons lap dog will be joining him on the X factor panel. Well all I can say is they can have her. 

When she joined the xfactor in 2008 she was refreshing, she was still a bit feisty and seemed to identify with the contestants since she had gone through nearly the same process to join girls aloud. But the woman was taken over by the media and was likened to a saint and even branded 'the nations sweetheart' (they throw that brand around to easily in the Uk me thinks) This year she has been shit on the xfactor shes made stupid decisions, acted all high and mighty and mimed when shes meant to be judging a singing competiton and to top it all off shes worn some really crap outfits shame on you Cheryl!

The Americans can have her but to be honest I dont really see her getting the same reception over there as she once got on this side of the Atlantic. They dont know any backstory, where she came from, theres no cheating husband whos done the pretty girl wrong, the accent wont go down well over there they seem to think all brits speak like the Queen and the biggest thing of all she has NO TALENT. Shes up against singers like Beyonce and Lady Gaga the girl doesnt stand a chance. The only thing that could possibly help is her hooking up with some huge US star and that dancing boy is not one of those.  

Queen Kylie Minougue looking gorgeous as ever

Here's Kylie Minogue performing at New York's Rockefeller centre last night. I'm loving her coat it looks so Christmasy and festive. I wouldn't mind borrowing it off her with this weather that Dublin has been getting the past week its all Snow Snow and more Snow!