Colourful Roses

Colourful Roses

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kings of Leon at the O2 Dublin Review

I was very excited to be going to see the kings of leon on Saturday night in the O2 and I most definitely was not disappointed. I had never been to see them live before as they always sell out quickly. I swear I was lucky to have even gotten these tickets. Our seats weren't great to be honest we were very high up at the back of the O2 we could practically touch the ceiling and just getting to our seats was a nightmare in slight heels walking up a very steep set of stairs, coming down I was praying I wouldn't slip and roll down the stairs. 

But even with bad seats the Kings were deadly! Their songs sounded just like the recorded versions and I mean that in a good way Calebs voice was spot on. They rolled through some of their classics and favourites from previous albums. The only thing I was not happy at all  about was they never played The Bucket or Revelry???!! They did that thing all artists do where they leave the stage leaving us wanting more and than finally returning to the stage with their biggest hit que Sex on Fire. I was expecting than for The Bucket to at least be played but no they never played it. I was raging that's my favourite song of theirs and probably the most played song on my Ipod.

I know they have gotten to U2 level and have many hits but really The Bucket is in their top 5 of songs. I'll forgive them because they were so great but next time I hope to see them I really hope they play that song.

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