Colourful Roses

Colourful Roses

Thursday, December 23, 2010

So I Finaly Watched Kanye Wests Runaway Movie

I don't know why it took me so long to get around to watching this but maybe its the fact that sometimes Kanye messes up with his videos. I adore his music and I really don't think theirs anyone out there especially in his field who's at his level but looking back and remembering the video for flashing lights I was so disappointed it nearly ruined the song for me.

So I sat and watched it last night and here's my verdict. Firstly it was beautifully shot with a very stylish look to it, the colours used just popped off the screen. Its pretty much a promo for his new album and the music worked great complimenting what was seen on screen BUT and here's a big but, what was the point of it????
The story was just strange and Kanye's acting 'skills' could have been cut out, thank god their wasn't much of that. Yes its being creative but it just seemed very forced as if Kanye was trying to be all arty if you get me. It just didn't work for me maybe if it was shorter with no talking  from Kanye it would have been better.

In saying all this I still respect him a lot for stepping out side the box hes always keeping it interesting and well his music is just too good for me to really care about some of the faux pas he has made.

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