Colourful Roses

Colourful Roses

Monday, November 29, 2010

Slan Katie hopefully we wont be seeing you again anytime soon

Bye Bye Katie was not nice knowing you : ) The most annoying xfactor contestant EVER has finally got the boot. Lil pixie looking Katie Waissel got the least amount of votes on Sunday night and because it was a double elimination she didn't get the chance to do a song in the sing off, well she got enough bloody chances to last her a lifetime how many times was she in the bottom two?? Oh and VVagner went aswell so suppose it was time for him even if his rendition of Creep was genius!

PS The person putting the phone calls through on the Xtra Factor deserves a raise I'm loving all the callers ringing in and finally giving Cheryl some stick. I nearly had to switch off a few weeks ago when every caller would tell Cheryl how in love they were with her before asking her some shit question like "How does she pick such amazing songs for her girls while looking so gorgeous?". That caller laying into her about Wagner was television gold, the mask is beginning to slip Chezza.

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